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2016-04-06Identification of a new locus at 16q12 associated with time to asthma onsetSarnowski, Chloé; Sugier, Pierre-Emmanuel; Granell, Raquel; Jarvis, Debbie; Dizier, Marie-Hélène; Ege, Markus; Imboden, Medea; Laprise, Catherine; Khusnutdinova, Elza K.; Freidin, Maxim B.; Cookson, William O.C.; Moffatt, Miriam; Lathrop, Mark; Siroux, Valérie; Ogorodova, Ludmila M.; Karunas, Alexandra S.; James, Alan; Probst-Hensch, Nicole M.; von Mutius, Erika; Pin, Isabelle; Kogevinas, Manolis; Henderson, John; Demenais, Florence; Bouzigon, Emmanuelle
2020-02-05IgG-Dependent Dismutation of Superoxide in Patients with Different Types of Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy SubjectsSmirnova, Liudmila P.; Mednova, Irina A.; Krotenko, Nina M.; Alifirova, Valentina M.; Ivanova, Svetlana A.
2019Individual work teaching aids : subject : Latin language : for students of the 1 courseВавилова, Елена Николаевна
2018-11-20Induced pluripotent stem cell line, IMGTi003-A, derived from skin fibroblasts of an intellectually disabled patient with ring chromosome 13Nikitina, T.V.; Menzorov, A.G.; Kashevarova, A.A.; Gridina, M.M.; Khabarova, A.A.; Yakovleva, Yu.S.; Lopatkina, M.E.; Pristyazhnyuk, I.E.; Vasilyev, S.A.; Serov, O.L.; Lebedev, I.N.
2021Industrial hygiene : tutorialКавешников, Владимир Сергеевич; Андропова, Татьяна Владимировна; Гудина, Маргарита Валентиновна; Одинцова, Ирина Николаевна; Серебрякова, Виктория Николаевна; Якимович, Инесса Юрьевна
2009-09-15Infant feeding and allergy prevention: a review of current knowledge and recommendations. A EuroPrevall state of the art paperGrimshaw, K. E. C.; Allen, K.; Edwards, C. A.; Beyer, K.; Boulay, A.; Van Der Aa, L. B.; Sprikkelman, A.; Belohlavkova, S.; Clausen, M.; Dubakiene, R.; Duggan, E.; Reche, M.; Marino, L. V.; Nørhede, P.; Ogorodova, L.; Schoemaker, A.; Stanczyk-Przyluska, A.; Szepfalusi, Z.; Vassilopoulou, E.; Veehof, S. H. E.; Vlieg-Boerstra, B. J.; Wjst, M.; Dubois, A. E. J.
2022Infectious diseases of digestive and respiratory tracts. Collection of case studies : tutorial for students studying in the specialty "31.05.01 General Medicine (English medium program)"Ильинских, Екатерина Николаевна; Семенова, Анна Вячеславовна; Богинская, Полина Владимировна; Лукашова, Лариса Владимировна
2020-07-27Influence of Hypoxic and Hyperoxic Preconditioning on Endothelial Function in a Model of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury with Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Experimental Study)Mandel, Irina A.; Podoksenov, Yuri K.; Suhodolo, Irina V.; An, Darya A.; Mikheev, Sergey L.; Podoksenov, Andrey Yu.; Svirko, Yulia S.; Gusakova, Anna M.; Shipulin, Vladimir M.; Yavorovskiy, Andrey G.
2020-03-01Influence of the Method of Preparation of the Pd-Bi/Al2O3 Catalyst on Catalytic Properties in the Reaction of Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Glucose into Gluconic AcidSandu, Mariya P.; Sidelnikov, Vladimir S.; Geraskin, Andrej A.; Chernyavskii, Aleksandr V.; Kurzina, Irina A.
2008-12-26Integration of alcohol use disorders identification and management in the tuberculosis programme in Tomsk Oblast, RussiaMathew, Trini A.; Yanov, Sergey A.; Mazitov, Rais; Mishustin, Sergey P.; Strelis, Aivar K.; Yanova, Galina V.; Golubchikova, Vera T.; Taran, Dmitry V.; Golubkov, Alex; Shields, Alan L.; Greenfield, Shelly F.; Shin, Sonya S.
2012-06Intratumoral Heterogeneity in Expression of Chemotherapy Response Markers in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma NosDenisov, E.; Tsyganov, M.; Tashireva, L.; Zavyalova, M.; Perelmuter, V.; Cherdyntseva, N.
2014-04-16Intratumoral morphological heterogeneity of breast cancer: neoadjuvant chemotherapy efficiency and multidrug resistance gene expressionDenisov, Evgeny V.; Litviakov, Nikolay V.; Zavyalova, Marina V.; Perelmuter, Vladimir M.; Vtorushin, Sergey V.; Tsyganov, Matvey M.; Gerashchenko, Tatiana S.; Garbukov, Evgeny Yu.; Slonimskaya, Elena M.; Cherdyntseva, Nadezhda V.
2020-10-22IPSE, an abundant egg-secreted protein of the carcinogenic helminth Schistosoma haematobium, promotes proliferation of bladder cancer cells and angiogenesisMbanefo, Evaristus C.; Agbo, Chinwike Terry; Zhao, Yuanlong; Lamanna, Olivia K.; Thai, Kim H.; Karinshak, Shannon E.; Khan, Mohammad Afzal; Fu, Chi-Ling; Odegaard, Justin I.; Saltikova, Irina V.; Smout, Michael J.; Pennington, Luke F.; Nicolls, Mark R.; Jardetzky, Theodore S.; Loukas, Alex; Brindley, Paul J.; Falcone, Franco H.; Hsieh, Michael H.
2017-03-28Iron-core/carbon-shell nanoparticles with intrinsic peroxidase activity: new platform for mimetic glucose detectionSurgutskaya, N. S.; Trusova, M. E.; Slepchenko, G. B.; Minin, A. S.; Pershina, A. G.; Uimin, M. A.; Yermakovc, A. E.; Postnikov, P. S.
2009-09-19Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Physicians in Tomsk Oblast Tuberculosis Services Regarding Alcohol Use Among Tuberculosis Patients in Tomsk, RussiaMathew, Trini A.; Shields, Alan L.; Imasheva, Aizhan; Shin, Sonya S.; Mishustin, Sergey P.; Peremitin, Gennady G.; Strelis, Aivar K.; Yanova, Galina V.; Greenfield, Shelly F.; Furin, Jennifer J.
2019-10-31Label-Free Non-linear Multimodal Optical Microscopy—Basics, Development, and ApplicationsMazumder, Nirmal; Balla, Naveen K.; Zhuo, Guan-Yu; Kistenev, Yury V.; Kumar, Rajesh; Kao, Fu-Jen; Brasselet, Sophie; Nikolaev, Viktor V.; Krivova, Natalya A.
2024Laboratory Manual for Practical Biochemistry : tutorial : [practical book for students studying in the basic vocational and educational programs - specialty programs: "General Medicine"]Носарева, Ольга Леонидовна; Степовая, Елена Алексеевна; Шахристова, Евгения Викторовна; Спирина, Людмила Викторовна
2019Laboratory Manual for Practical Biochemistry : tutorial for students studying in the basic vocational and educational programs – specialty programs: "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics"Носарева, Ольга Леонидовна; Степовая, Елена Алексеевна; Федорова, Татьяна Сергеевна; Тимин, Олег Алексеевич; Шахристова, Евгения Викторовна; Спирина, Людмила Викторовна; Серебров, Владимир Юрьевич
2017-09-18Life by the river: neglected worm infection in Western Siberia and pitfalls of a one-size-fits-all control approachZvonareva, Olga; Odermatt, Peter; Golovach, Ekaterina A.; Fedotova, Marina M.; Kovshirina, Yulia V.; Kovshirina, Anna E.; Kobyakova, Olga S.; Fedorova, Olga S.
2017-02-07Macrophage activation and polarization in post-infarction cardiac remodelingGombozhapova, Aleksandra; Rogovskaya, Yuliya; Shurupov, Vladimir; Rebenkova, Mariya; Kzhyshkowska, Julia; Popov, Sergey V.; Karpov, Rostislav S.; Ryabov, Vyacheslav