Результаты 36 по 55 из 4035
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Дата выпуска | Название | Автор(ы) |
2020-09-27 | Calcium Phosphate Coating Prepared by Microarc Oxidation Affects hTERT Expression, Molecular Presentation, and Cytokine Secretion in Tumor-Derived Jurkat T Cells | Litvinova, Larisa S.; Khaziakhmatova, Olga G.; Shupletsova, Valeria V.; Yurova, Kristina A.; Malashchenko, Vladimir V.; Shunkin, Egor O.; Ivanov, Pavel A.; Komarova, Ekaterina G.; Chebodaeva, Valentina V.; Porokhova, Ekaterina D.; Gereng, Elena A.; Khlusov, Igor A. |
2018-12-26 | Case Report: Two Cases of Cholangiocarcinoma in Patients with Opisthorchis felineus Infection in Western Siberia, Russian Federation | Kovshirina, Yulia V.; Fedorova, Olga S.; Vtorushin, Sergey V.; Kovshirina, Anna E.; Ivanov, Stanislav D.; Chizhikov, Andrey V.; Onishchenko, Sergey V.; Ogorodova, Ludmila M.; Odermatt, Peter |
2013 | Cell Volume Conferences | Strbak, V. |
2019-11-01 | Changes in Body Fat and Related Biochemical Parameters Associated With Atypical Antipsychotic Drug Treatment in Schizophrenia Patients With or Without Metabolic Syndrome | Kornetova, Elena G.; Kornetov, Alexander N.; Mednova, Irina A.; Dubrovskaya, Viktoria V.; Boiko, Anastasia S.; Bokhan, Nikolay A.; Loonen, Anton J. M.; Ivanova, Svetlana A. |
2018-04-04 | Characterization of the Micro-Arc Coatings Containing β-Tricalcium Phosphate Particles on Mg-0.8Ca Alloy | Sedelnikova, Mariya B.; Komarova, Ekaterina G.; Sharkeev, Yurii P.; Tolkacheva, Tatiana V.; Sheikin, Vladimir V.; Egorkin, Vladimir S.; Mashtalyar, Dmitry V.; Kazakbaeva, Aigerim A.; Schmidt, Juergen |
2019-05-16 | Chelidonic Acid and Its Derivatives from Saussurea Controversa: Isolation, Structural Elucidation and Influence on the Osteogenic Differentiation of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells In Vitro | Avdeeva, Elena; Shults, Elvira; Rybalova, Tatyana; Reshetov, Yaroslav; Porokhova, Ekaterina; Sukhodolo, Irina; Litvinova, Larisa; Shupletsova, Valeria; Khaziakhmatova, Olga; Khlusov, Igor; Guryev, Artem; Belousov, Mikhail |
2017-05-19 | Clinically relevant morphological structures in breast cancer represent transcriptionally distinct tumor cell populations with varied degrees of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and CD44+CD24- stemness | Denisov, Evgeny V.; Skryabin, Nikolay A.; Gerashchenko, Tatiana S.; Tashireva, Lubov A.; Wilhelm, Jochen; Buldakov, Mikhail A.; Sleptcov, Aleksei A.; Lebedev, Igor N.; Vtorushin, Sergey V.; Zavyalova, Marina V.; Cherdyntseva, Nadezhda V.; Perelmuter, Vladimir M. |
2019 | CLIPPERS. Обзор литературы и собственные наблюдения | Прахова, Лидия Николаевна; Парфенова, А. С.; Савинцева, Жанна Игоревна; Ильвес, Александр Геннадьевич; Бубнова, Е. В.; Краснов, В. С.; Тарасова, А. М.; Тотолян, Н. А. |
2019-10-12 | Comparative In Vitro Evaluation of Antibacterial and Osteogenic Activity of Polysaccharide and Flavonoid Fractions Isolated from the leaves of Saussurea controversa | Khlusov, Igor; Avdeeva, Elena; Shupletsova, Valeria; Khaziakhmatova, Olga; Litvinova, Larisa; Porokhova, Ekaterina; Reshetov, Yaroslav; Zvereva, Irina; Mushtovatova, Lyudmila; Karpova, Mariia; Guryev, Artem; Sukhodolo, Irina; Belousov, Mikhail |
2016-08-31 | Comparative investigation of antioxidant activity of human serum blood by amperometric, voltammetric and chemiluminescent methods | Plotnikov, Evgenii; Korotkova, Elena; Voronova, Olesya; Sazhina, Natalia; Petrova, Ekatherina; Artamonov, Anton; Chernyavskaya, Ludmila; Dorozhko, Elena |
2017-02-13 | Comparative investigations of structure and properties of micro-arc wollastonite-calcium phosphate coatings on titanium and zirconium-niobium alloy | Sedelnikova, M.B.; Komarova, E.G.; Sharkeeva, Yu.P.; Tolkacheva, T.V.; Khlusov, I.A.; Litvinova, L.S.; Yurova, K.A.; Shupletsova, V.V. |
2021-02-22 | Complex biology of constitutional ring chromosomes structure and (in)stability revealed by somatic cell reprogramming | Nikitina, T. V.; Kashevarova, A. A.; Gridina, M. M.; Lopatkina, M. E.; Khabarova, A. A.; Yakovleva, Yu. S.; Menzorov, A. G.; Minina, Yu. A.; Pristyazhnyuk, I. E.; Vasilyev, S. A.; Fedotov, D. A.; Serov, O. L.; Lebedev, I. N. |
2021-01-12 | Conserved sequence motifs in human TMTC1, TMTC2, TMTC3, and TMTC4, new O-mannosyltransferases from the GT-C/PMT clan, are rationalized as ligand binding sites | Eisenhaber, Birgit; Sinha, Swati; Jadalanki, Chaitanya K.; Shitov, Vladimir A.; Tan, Qiao Wen; Sirota, Fernanda L.; Eisenhaber, Frank |
2020-07-25 | Correlations between Iron Metabolism Parameters, Inflammatory Markers and Lipid Profile Indicators in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Musina, Nadezhda N.; Saprina, Tatiana V.; Prokhorenko, Tatiana S.; Kanev, Alexander; Zima, Anastasia P. |
2016-05-03 | Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group | Schmaal, L; Hibar, D P; Sämann, P G; Hall, G B; Baune, B T; Jahanshad, N; Cheung, J W; van Erp, T G M; Bos, D; Ikram, M A; Vernooij, M W; Niessen, W J; Tiemeier, H; Hofman, A; Wittfeld, K; Grabe, H J; Janowitz, D; Bülow, R; Selonke, M; Völzke, H; Grotegerd, D; Dannlowski, U; Arolt, V; Opel, N; Heindel, W; Kugel, H; Hoehn, D; Czisch, M; Couvy-Duchesne, B; Rentería, M E; Strike, L T; Wright, M J; Mills, N T; de Zubicaray, G I; McMahon, K L; Medland, S E; Martin, N G; Gillespie, N A; Goya-Maldonado, R; Gruber, O; Krämer, B; Hatton, S N; Lagopoulos, J; Hickie, I B; Frodl, T; Carballedo, A; Frey, E M; van Velzen, L S; Penninx, B W J H; van Tol, M-J; van der Wee, N J; Davey, C G; Harrison, B J; Mwangi, B; Cao, B; Soares, J C; Veer, I M; Walter, H; Schoepf, D; Zurowski, B; Konrad, C; Schramm, E; Normann, C; Schnell, K; Sacchet, M D; Gotlib, I H; MacQueen, G M; Godlewska, B R; Nickson, T; McIntosh, A M; Papmeyer, M; Whalley, H C; Hall, J; Sussmann, J E; Li, M; Walter, M; Aftanas, L; Brack, I; Bokhan, N A; Thompson, P M; Veltman, D J |
2020-01-24 | Cortisol and DHEAS Related to Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Schizophrenia | Boiko, AS; Mednova, IA; Kornetova, EG; Bokhan, NA; Semke, AV; Loonen, AJM; Ivanova, SA |
2020-10-02 | Costimulatory Effect of Rough Calcium Phosphate Coating and Blood Mononuclear Cells on Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro as a Model of In Vivo Tissue Repair | Khlusov, Igor A.; Litvinova, Larisa S.; Khaziakhmatova, Olga G.; Shupletsova, Valeria V.; Malashchenko, Vladimir V.; Yurova, Kristina A.; Shunkin, Egor O.; Krivosheev, Vasilii V.; Porokhova, Ekaterina D.; Sizikova, Anastasiia E.; Safiullina, Linara A.; Legostaeva, Elena V.; Komarova, Ekaterina G.; Sharkeev, Yurii P. |
2023 | Cовременные представления о цервикальном канцерогенезе | Наумова, Людмила Алексеевна; Стародумова, Валентина Анатольевна |
2016-06-20 | Deoxygenation Affects Composition of Membrane-Bound Proteins in Human Erythrocytes | Luneva, O.G.; Sidorenko, S.V.; Ponomarchuk, O.O.; Tverskoy, A.M.; Cherkashin, A.A.; Rodnenkov, O.V.; Alekseeva, N.V.; Deev, L.I.; Maksimov, G.V.; Grygorczyk, R.; Orlov, S.N. |
2019-02-07 | Depression and suicidality among psychiatric residents - results from a multi-country study | Jovanovic, Nikolina; Beezhold, Julian; Tateno, Masaru; Barrett, Elizabeth; Vlachos, Ilias; Fiorillo, Andrea; Hanon, Cecile; Kazakova, Olga; Nawka, Alexander; Wuyts, Philippe; Wong, Vanessa; Papp, Szilvia; Rujevic, Jasna; Racetovic, Goran; Mihai, Adriana; Marques, Joao Gama; Malik, Amit; Weiss, Ulrike; Anja, Podlesek |