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dc.contributor.authorZolkin, A L-
dc.contributor.authorMunister, V D-
dc.contributor.authorBogaevskaya, O Yu-
dc.contributor.authorYumashev, A V-
dc.contributor.authorKornetov, A N-
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the problems of functioning and improvement of measuring and control devices in the medical industry. The classification, principles of organization of specialized, multifunctional and single-functional medical instrument and computer systems are considered. A model for solving the problem of scalability and availability through the use of non-relational data management systems that combine methods for achieving atomicity and data consistency is proposed. The promising diagnostic methods in medicine are described. The importance of a prompt assessment of the patient's condition is emphasized. The optimization and modernization of the digital radiography using modern machine learning algorithms are given and justified.ru_RU
dc.publisherIOP Publishingru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Physics: Conference Series;Volume 2094-
dc.titlePromising directions of information technologies applications for improving of control and measuring devices in medical industryru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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